Golden Ride
Binley: Thursday 11.00 - 12.00pm
This ride takes individual referrals from parents and carers. Please enquire through the contact page. Whether your enquiry will be successful depends upon our availability - we do have a waiting list.
We started the Golden Ride in May 2022 when Andover RDA was 50 years old. Hence “Golden!” It serves children from families who self-refer. It is a small ride, 3 riders at the moment, and it is designed to offer riding for children who would not be able to come with one of the 4 special schools in Andover but who have a burning desire to ride! The riders have a wide range of challenges, and I must say that it has been a pleasure to see their progress.
We had a great summer term riding at Spring Meadow in two sessions because we only have 2 ponies for 3 riders. All the riders did very well, and we decided to try to all ride together in the Autumn Term. Thank you to the Maclay and Orange families who have agreed that the Golden Ride can ride at Sladen Green in Binley this September. The Spring Meadow ponies, Smarties and Linford, will be transported to join Toby pony at his home in Binley. Then they can all have a spot of lunch and a break before Elizabeth’s ride with the Wolverdene children begins!
All our volunteers were new this year and they have been really super. They are very pony-savvy and tuned in to the children who ride making their riding journey so much easier for them. Two of our riders had never ridden but the encouragement and help that our volunteers gave has transformed their experiences.
By the time this goes to press we will have had our first spell of riding at Sladen Green and at the time of writing this I must say that I look forward to it very much.
Mary Childs